About Us
Orchard Garden Antiques is a small family business based near Montgomery on the Welsh border.
It all started back in 2015 when we our fingers had officially turned green after owning an allotment for the past 2 years. We already had a business selling vintage interior items and the allotment made us turn our focus onto vintage gardenalia, the rest is history as they say! Soon after we started creating our own metalwork products including plant supports, cloches and decorative stakes.
Of course that’s all down to David! We aim to create practical and beautiful items for the garden that we would use ourselves, and we do just that. We’re constantly inspired by the garden and nature as that’s usually where you will find us when we aren’t busy working or touring the UK selling at garden shows.
We made the big move to the Welsh border in the Summer of 2022 and have big plans too. One of the selling points was the large workshop which we are currently working on to create our dream workspace, somewhere David can get creative and make stock as well as a warehouse storage area featuring a small office at the far end. The idea is to open the warehouse up to the public by appointment so you can come and have a browse, collect orders, enjoy a cup of tea and maybe even a wander around the kitchen garden. Talking of the garden… you can read more about that over on the blog

The Team

A man of all trades, a master at DIY and the official metal man. You’ll often find him pottering around in the workshop creating all our metalwork for the garden and coming up with beautiful ideas to expand our stock. At the weekends he ditches the workshop for the open road upon his mighty Triumph Bonneville.

The blogger, photographer, restorer and person in charge of the stock on the website! Daughter to David and owner of Teddy the Jack Russell, when she’s not busy with work or at the garden shows you’ll either find Katie in the garden or curled up on the sofa knitting, reading or doing anything craft related.

The newest member of the working team, wife to David and mother to Katie. The one in charge of getting all the orders printed, wrapped and sent out. Christabel loves exploring the Welsh countryside with her dog Alfie and she’s just started getting into gardening. Good job too as we’re all obssessed!

Antique hunters, chief stock examiners and usually found running around the garden! Alfie came along at the end of 2022 and belongs to David and Christabel.
He’s the reason why we had to fence the kitchen garden off!